Character Building Stories from Long Ago
Read and Listen!
Here in this section we are
going to share several collections of old-time True-to-Life stories. Each
poem or story has a Character lesson in it. They also give us insights into History and how things were in the past. We hope to have them all in 'Read
and Listen' format so that you can hear the story being read while you read
along yourself, this is a good way to expand your reading skills.
After each story, stop and think about the lesson it teaches and how that
lesson still applies today. Long time ago when my Granny was little, they
used to call this "finding the Moral of the story." If a story did not have
a Moral, or Lesson to it, they did not consider it worth reading.
A good homeschool project can be, as you read these stories of by-gone days, to see how many words are strange to you and how many now have different meanings: perhaps make a list of them.
These stories are Junior to Teen level and good for personal reading, home-schools, Church-schools, and Sabbath Schools.